Category Archives: Journals

List of publications in Journals

Supporting the Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment using distributed user interfaces

R. Tesoriero, Gallud, J. A., Altalhi, A. H.:Supporting the Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment using distributed user interfaces Disability and Rehabilitation Vol. 39(4). ISSN: 0963-8288, pp. 389-397. 2014. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2014.949354


An End-user Tailorable Generic Framework for Privacy-preserving Location-based Mobile Applications

Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, Mohamed Bourimi, Ricardo Tesoriero, Marcel Heupel, Marcel Heupel, Dogan Kesdogan, Bernd Ueberschär: An End-user Tailorable Generic Framework for Privacy-preserving Location-based Mobile ApplicationsInternational Journal Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. ISSN 2325-0399. Vol. 7 (6), pp: 2137-2148. doi:10.12785/amis/070604.


Enhancing Visitors’ Experience in Art Museums Using Mobile Technologies Environments

Ricardo Tesoriero,José Antonio Gallud,María Dolores Lozano,Víctor Manuel Ruíz Penichet:  Enhancing Visitors’ Experience in Art Museums Using Mobile Technologies Environments. Information Systems Frontiers. Springer Netherlands, ISSN: 1387-3326, vol. 16 (2), pp. 303-327. doi:10.1007/S10796-012-9345-1. 2014.
